Backgammon - Deluxe App Reviews

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Love it! Clears the mind!

I really enjoy this game as I use it to unwind. Ex:Breaks at work, getting home from work, ignoring my husband lol jk, but helps me relax before bed. It also helps with critical thinking as some levels are challenging! I play this a lot!! Thank you!! In fact, Im playing it now!


Could be harder in the most difficult mode.


The game is programmed to always roll in computers favor. It most always rolls in favor of computer and your dice roll always leaves you having to leave a single. The computer will always roll what it needs to capture your chip. Not fun when it happens every time. I deleted it


2 out of 5 games, it makes me lose a turn to the computer, stating that I have no moves when the dice clearly show I do! More frustrating than entertaining.


The dice rolls are not random. When the computer is in a tough spot it gets great rolls including repeat doubles to miraculously catch up.

The Computer CHEATS!

This game is fixed. Rolls are NOT random. The computer always gets rolls to blot you, or doubles. If you Undo and roll again repeatedly to check this, youll discover there are only 2 roll possibilites which repeat, instead of random, which means the computer has already made its decision on what can occur. Nothing worse than a spiteful computer that doesnt want to lose, and cheats the odds just to win. Im deleting this game now.

Computer cheats

Playing against the computer the rolls always favor the computer. I have never seen so many doubles rolled to win games.

Fun times

Love this game! Been playing it for months. Great game!

Needs updates

Needs automatic close out and undo should not mean reroll but undo tile placement.

Poor Customer Enjoyment

Being a Backgammon player for 30+years, I was thrilled to install and play. However, in all of those years playing, Ive never had an opponent be "so lucky". Example: Rolling perfect dice to hit my blots everytime, or to escape blocking, throwing multiple doubles throughout the game, especially throwing up to four or five consecutive doubles to win a game, when you cant even throw one double - nearly always coming in to the board after being hit, even when there is only one available point to come in on. On the "player side", rarely do you get a double rolled. If you are on the bar, good luck at getting in quickly, even when theres several points available. When counting off at the end to try and win and you have open points, thats the numbers your dice will throw causing only one piece or none to be taken of, each throw. All in all a badly designed program that represents unrealistic gameplay, which for beginners could turn them off such a classical and fun game. I give one star for the "appearance" of the board and visuals, but a big thumbs down on the one sided game play. Someone should fire the program design department!


Computer cheats!! Luckiest roll of dice - ever!!

Player is a constant loser

Never been a poor loser but this game is totally slanted to the computer and it got old very quickly, dumping it into the digital round file


First of all, the undo button makes you roll again instead of just undoing piece placement! Secondly, the randomness of the rolls in the computer vs. the human player seems to favor the computer. This game version is not conducive to enjoying playing the game.

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